Hi all,

i have got a case where a customer wants 700TB migrated from isilon to Scale 
and the only way for him is exporting the same directory on NFS from two 
different nodes...

as of now we are using multiple rsync processes on different parts of folders 
within the main directory. this is really slow and will take forever.. right 
now 14 rsync processes spread across 3 nodes fetching from 2.. 

does anyone know of a way to speed it up? right now we see from 1Gbit to 3Gbit 
if we are lucky(total bandwidth) and there is a total of 30Gbit from scale 
nodes and 20Gbits from isilon so we should be able to reach just under 20Gbit...

if anyone have any ideas they are welcome! 

Thanks in advance 
Andi Christiansen
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gpfsug-discuss at spectrumscale.org

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