Hi Ragu,

have you ever received any reply to this or managed to solve it? We are
seeing exactly the same error and it's filling up our logs. It seems all
the monitoring data is still extracted, so I'm not sure when it
started so not sure if this is related to any upgrade on our side, but
it may have been going on for a while. We only noticed because the log
file now is filling up the local log partition.

Kind regards,

On 26/08/2021 11:49, Ragho Mahalingam wrote:
> We've been working on setting up mmperfmon; after creating a new
> configuration with the new collector on the same manager node, mmsysmon
> keeps throwing exceptions.
>   File "/usr/lpp/mmfs/lib/mmsysmon/container/PerfmonController.py", line
> 123, in _getDataFromZimonSocket
>     sock.connect(SOCKET_PATH)
> FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
> Tracing this a bit, it appears that SOCKET_PATH is
>  /var/run/perfmon/pmcollector.socket and this unix domain socket is absent,
> even though pmcollector has started and is running successfully.
> Under what scenarios is pmcollector supposed to create this socket?  I
> don't see any configuration for this in /opt/IBM/zimon/ZIMonCollector.cfg,
> so I'm assuming the socket is automatically created when pmcollector starts.
> Any thoughts on how to debug and resolve this?
> Thanks, Ragu

Frederik Ferner (he/him)
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