
Thanks - that is a good insight.

The HA 'feature' of the snapshot automation is perhaps a key feature as Linux 
still lacks a decent 'cluster cron'
Also, If "HA" do we know where the state is centrally kept?

On the point of snapshots being left undeleted, do you ever use 
/usr/lpp/mmfs/gui/cli/lssnapops to see what the queue of outstanding actions is 
(There is also a notification tool:  lssnapnotify in that directory that is 
supposed to alert on failed snapshot actions, although personally I have never 
used it)

Daniel Kidger

HPC Storage Solutions Architect, EMEA<>

+44 (0)7818 522266<>


<> on behalf of Simon Thompson2 
Sent: 02 February 2022 10:52
To: gpfsug main discussion list <>
Subject: Re: [gpfsug-discuss] [External] Automating Snapshots : cron jobs or 
use the GUI ?

I always used the GUI for automating snapshots that were tagged with the YYMMDD 
format so that they were accessible via the previous versions tab from CES 

This requires no locking if you have multiple GUI servers running, so in theory 
the snapshots creation is “HA”. BUT if you shutdown the GUI servers (say you 
are waiting for a log4j patch …) then you have no snapshot automation.

Due to the way we structured independent filesets, this could be 50 or so to 
automate and we wanted to set a say 4 day retention policy. So clicking in the 
GUI was pretty simple to do this for.

What we did found is it a snapshot failed to delete for some reason (quiesce 
etc), then the GUI never tried again to clean it up so we have monitoring to 
look for unexpected snapshots that needed cleaning up.



Simon Thompson
Senior Storage Performance
WW HPC Customer Solutions
Lenovo UK

[Phone]+44 7788 320635
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<> On Behalf Of Kidger, Daniel
Sent: 02 February 2022 10:07
Subject: [External] [gpfsug-discuss] Automating Snapshots : cron jobs or use 
the GUI ?

Hi all,

Since the subject of snapshots has come up, I also have a question ...

Snapshots can be created from the command line with mmcrsnapshot, and hence can 
be automated via con jobs etc.

Snapshots can also be created from the Scale GUI. The GUI also provides its own 
automation for the creation, retention, and deletion of snapshots.

My question is: do most customers use the former or the latter for automation?

(I also note that /usr/lpp/mmfs/gui/cli/mksnaprule exists and appears to do 
exactly the same as what the GUI does it terms of creating automated snapshots. 
It is a relic of V7000 Unified but still works fine in Spectrum Scale 
How many customers also use the commands found in /usr/lpp/mmfs/gui/cli/  ? )


Daniel Kidger
HPC Storage Solutions Architect, EMEA<>

+44 (0)7818 522266<|01||51f07ae3d10e4b72b3f508d9e6376ade|5c7d0b28bdf8410caa934df372b16203|1|0|637793948599274589|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0=|2000&sdata=POLEOGqPow4lBYq4jkLfTwDY5xpIJGe0FzOBoRMiVmo=&reserved=0>


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