I've  finally installed Windows 7 x64 to iSCSI target using Win 7 AIK.
Setup  went fine except very long time period between Starting
Windows  and  any noticeable activitity during 2 installation reboots.
Those periods took about 10-20 minutes of "doing nothing".

Now  my fresh installation have the similar issue with booting. What I
see is:

1)  After  gPXE  stage I see black screen for 50 seconds till Starting
Windows appear (that's OK)
2)  After Start Windows message till windows logo appears there is 5-6
minutes period of "inactivity" (not OK)
3) After this windows loads and works fine

I've  also  tried  booting  in  Safe mode - that is terrible :) Driver
loading  lines appear one by one with half minute intervals. The whole
safe mode booting process takes about 20 minutes.

Could   you   suggest   how  to  improve booting performace? I'll play
with  another  configurations too and with x86 to get more experience,
but appreciate any help.

My configuration:

Gygabyte G41ME-S2L
Intel Pro 1000 CT (8086:10d3)
gPXE 1.0.1-rc1
iscsitarget on Ubuntu 10.04 over gigabit network

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