On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 12:03 AM, Arends, R.R. <r.r.are...@hro.nl> wrote:
> I was reading along and had a wds server here with the abortpxe.com
> Not sure what exactly it contains.. Thats goes behond my scope.
> But i have putted the file online. [1]
> file reports just "data".
> $ file abortpxe.com
> abortpxe.com: data
> [1] http://med.hro.nl/arerr/gpxe/abortpxe.com

Thanks! I disassembled it; it's a very simple little program. It
prints the string "PXE Boot aborted. Booting to next device..." using
int 10h and then returns with 0x1 in %ax.

gPXE currently ignores the return value of the NBP, so at first glance
it would make sense that this doesn't work for us. But we do
definitely return to the BIOS for booting the next device if we get
control back from the booted program, and the looping behavior seems
very odd. Viswanath, exactly what output do you get from gPXE when
this breaks?


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