-----Original Message-----
From: Miller, Shao 
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 09:38
To: gpxe@etherboot.org
Subject: Re: [gPXE] is it bug or feature for gPXE?

Good day Oleg,

Could you please do me a favour?

On whatever box you're using to ping, could you please create a static 
ARP entry for the MAC address before you begin pinging, then see if it 
still loses pingability after your problem minute?

   arp -s ...
-----End of Original Message-----

By your screen-shot, on Linux:

  arp -s 00:0c:29:04:2f:28

on Windows:

  arp -s 00-0c-29-04-2f-28

- Shao Miller
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