On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 19:39, LEwis Cianci <lewcia...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've got a scenario at the moment where the DHCP options are set to load
> pxelinux.0 straight away, gives the user a menu and they can continue from
> there etc etc.  While this work for most implementations, this creates a
> problem on some network cards where they are buggy and the TFTP transfers
> that happen later do not complete properly...
> A solution I have found is to load gpxe over pxe, configure it to boot
> pxelinux.0, then continue the boot process. This way works on a more
> universal scale as the exisiting PXE code is replacing with gPXE (which
> makes it more standardized, and is less buggy than some vendor
> implementations of gPXE).
> I'm hitting a bit of a brick wall though. When I set gpxe as the default
> image to load over pxe, then it gets dhcp, and pxe boots...into gpxe, which
> gets dhcp, and pxe boots...into gpxe (and so on and so forth).
> I know if I break this process and get into the gpxe prompt then I can
> configure it to load pxelinux.0, then it loads fine and continues on its
> merry way.  What I want to know is how to include that sort of configuration
> in the script, so it loads gpxe and then loads pxelinux.0 over tftp.
> Any help would be appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Lewis

Try looking at http://etherboot.org/wiki/pxechaining#breaking_the_infinite_loop
or "Changes to DHCP" under

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