Well i'm not entirely sure how to check the version...
I run a strings on the rom that is being loaded by xcat (it is called
xnba.kpxe) and found "1.0.1" so i'm going to assume that's the version
i'm using :o).

I managed to do this:
[root@xcat nodes]# cat l08
#boot localdisk
 set 209:string xcat/xnba/nodes/default
 set 210:string http://${next-server}/tftpboot/
 imgfetch -n pxelinux.0 http://${next-server}/tftpboot/xcat/pxelinux.0
 imgload pxelinux.0
 imgexec pxelinux.0

[root@xcat nodes]# cat default
DEFAULT localdisk
LABEL localdisk
        LOCALBOOT 1
[root@xcat nodes]#

And that seems to try and boot from my local disk (at least i see a
message saying "Booting from local disk" :oP).
But it does not do anything...

After i see that message, i temporarily see a message stating "press
Ctrl + B for gpxe boot options" (or something) and then it seems to
exit the network boot rom and just hangs there...

So i'm guessing that GPXE messes something up in the environment and
the BIOS stops working (i do not think it is really trying to boot
from the disk)...

Any thoughts?


On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Gene Cumm <gene.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 12:04, Luis Miguel Silva
> <luismiguelferreirasi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I'm using xCAT to manage my cluster but, unfortunately, some HP
>> machines do not seem to boot from the "next boot device" when xCAT
>> creates a gpxe config that just "exists".
>> So i'm trying to create a gpxe configuration to boot from the local
>> disk instead.
>> I've tried:
>> #!gpxe
>> hdboot
>> But that doesn't seem to work.
>> Any thoughts?
> What gPXE version and driver/format?  Perhaps versions 1.0.0, 1.0.1 or
> current top-of-git?  Perhaps undionly.kkpxe (undionly is the driver;
> .kkpxe is the format)?  I believe this driver and format will have the
> best luck when loaded by the NIC's PXE ROM.
> --
> -Gene
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