Hi to everyone.

I would like to report a problem using gpxe ( and ipxe) to boot thin-clients
at Ubuntu 10.04 LTSP network. ( With sch-scripts at a School network).

I use an i3 proccessor (4Gb RAM) for server, a gigabit switch and  gigabit
network cards (D-LINK DGE-528T GIGABIT PCI CARD) at thin-clients, with gpxe
for booting (I tried and ipxe).

The problem is that in the procedure of booting, I see at the monitor of
thin-clients something like that:


With gpxe:
net0: :1c:bd:b9:dd:e4:8a on PCI00:0c.0 (open)
[link:up, TX:0, TXE:0, RX:0, RXE:0]
DHCP (net0 1c:bd:b9:dd:e4:8a)...........................
COnnection time out (0x4c106035)
No more network devices

With ipxe:
net0 :1c:bd:b9:dd:8a
using rtl8169-0x4300 on PCI00:0c (open)
DHCP (net0 1c:bd:b0:dd:8a)................................
Connection time out ( <http://ipxe.org/4c106035> http://ipxe.org/4c106035)  


(With older network cards (100Mbit) at the thin-clients, there is no problem


And also, the network card -at the beginning of booting and after- "is


If anyone can help - or correct the problem .


Thank you


Katsadouros Dimitris.

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