Hello all,


I realize this is a relatively low-volume mailing list, but I'm hoping
that I may get some help.


I am attempting to do a proof-of-concept, and have an iSCSI target set
up on a linux system, and I am booting off of a gpxe usb drive image to
mount the iSCSI image.  I was able to install Windows 7 onto that image,
and then it reboots.




During that first reboot, I get a lot of # signs, and eventually the
"starting Windows" graphic comes up, but the # marks are still there.
So, it looks like (not to scale):











       Starting Windows


     (c) Microsoft Corporation





It "feels" like those hash marks are supposed to be telling me
something, but I'm not sure what.  They show up about every 4-5 seconds,
and I've been booting for a while now.


Any thoughts?






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