/*Sorry, writing to you directly since I don't see mails reaching the alias.*/

I want to use jcr mapping layer for creating custom node type "folder" which should inherit from "nt:folder"

I have following custom_nodetype.xml
<nodeTypes xmlns:nt="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/nt/1.0";
 xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0"; xmlns:rep="internal"
<nodeType name="folder" isMixin="false" hasOrderableChildNodes="false" primaryItemName="">
 </supertypes>    </nodeType>


I have following jcrmapping descriptor

<class-descriptor className="com.sun.portal.cms.model.HeirarchyContent" jcrNodeType="nt:hierarchyNode" discriminator="false" >
<!-- Field-descriptor is used to map simple attributes to jcr property -->
 <field-descriptor fieldName="path" path="true" />
 <field-descriptor fieldName="creationDate" jcrName="jcr:created" />

<class-descriptor className="com.sun.portal.cms.model.Folder" jcrNodeType="folder"
extend="com.sun.portal.cms.model.HeirarchyContent"  discriminator="false" >
<!-- Field-descriptor is used to map simple attributes to jcr property -->
<field-descriptor fieldName="path" path="true" />
<collection-descriptor fieldName="children" proxy="false" jcrNodeType="nt:hierarchyNode" elementClassName="com.sun.portal.cms.model.HeirarchyContent" collectionConverter="org.apache.portals.graffito.jcr.persistence.collectionconverter.impl.NTCollectionConverterImpl" />

The problem is I am able to retrieve the items which are properties but I do not see any child node definitions in folder. Ideally since folder is inheriting from nt:folder , it should get a childnode definition of type nt:heirrarchynodeType

Is there anything I am missing ?
Checked out PersistenceAutoTest.java but it uses all custom nodetypes which are inherited from nt:base and so , it has childnodedefintions in custom node type definition.

Help appreciated.

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