On 3/8/07, ruchi goel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Christophe Lombart wrote:
> Hi Ruchi,
> This is not mandatory to add the jcr property attributes in the jcr
> mapping.
> There are used only by another component (see the subproject
> jcr-nodemanagement) in order to create,  from the jcrmapping file,  the
> desired jcr node types . By this way, you have only one file to manage
> but
> you have to import them from this tools.

Thanks. But if I  continue with strategy of maintaining  both the
mapping and nodetypes files,
*Which one takes the precedence ? The default ones in jcrmapping.xml or
the one  which I specified in

The one  which  you specify in yhr custom_nodetypes.

e.g for a property
*jcrMultiple is default to "false" in mapping file .
If I specified  multiple="true"for the same node property in nodetypes
file , then which one takes precedence ?

> Anyway, I will chek where there are used in the persitence manager
> implementation and change the code if needed.
> Thanks,
> Christophe
> On 3/8/07, ruchi goel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>    I am writing a jcrMapping.xml  which will map my java classes to
>> custom node types.
>> My custom_nodetypes.xml already has nodetype with properties which have
>> attributes
>> requiredType="String" autoCreated="false" mandatory="true"
>> onParentVersion="COPY" protected="false" multiple="true" />
>> Then why do I need to add  similar attributes in jcrmapping for each
>> property.* Refer in following extract :*
>>   *  <!ATTLIST field-descriptor
>>     fieldName CDATA #REQUIRED
>>     fieldType CDATA #IMPLIED
>>     jcrName CDATA #IMPLIED
>>     id (true | false) "false"
>>     path (true | false) "false"
>>         jcrType (String | Date | Long | Double | Boolean | Binary)
>>         jcrAutoCreated (true | false) "false"
>>         jcrMandatory (true | false) "false"
>>         jcrOnParentVersion (COPY | VERSION | INITIALIZE | COMPUTE |
>>         jcrProtected (true | false) "false"
>>         jcrMultiple (true | false) "false"
>> >
>> *
>> Which one takes the priority ? The one in jcrmapping.xml or the one in
>> custom_nodetypes.xml
>> Thanks,
>> Ruchi

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