On 04.06.2015 23:01, Santiago Videla wrote:
> From the docs I'd expect h[0][1] == np.mean(w) (which is the case) and 
> h[1][1] == np.std(w) (which is not the case).

As it is written in the documentation, the second value computed is the
standard deviation of the _mean_, not the standard deviation of the
_population_, which is what you are computing. The standard deviation of
the mean is: std(w) / sqrt(len(w))

> In fact, I got to this issue trying to implement the analogous
> function to graph_tool.correlations.avg_neighbour_corr but looking at
> *in_neighbours* instead of *out_neighbours*

This is trivial, just compute the avg_neighbour_corr with the reversed

  avg_neighbour_corr(GraphView(g, reversed=True), "in", "out")


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <ti...@skewed.de>

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