On 26.06.2015 16:42, Smith, Steven - 1004 - MITLL wrote:
> I’m having trouble updating load libraries when to the latest version of 
> boost:
> $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/boost/stage/lib”
> $ ipython
> In [1]: import graph_tool.all
> …
> ImportError: libboost_thread.so.1.57.0: cannot open shared object file: No 
> such file or directory
> Why is graph-tool still pointing at the old, nonexistent boost library?? I’m 
> certain I’ve removed the old boost libraries, and sanity checked with the 
> command
> $ ( cd / ; sudo updatedb )
> $ locate boost | fgrep 1.57
> # Empty result
> # Remove old graph-tool libraries by hand
> $ sudo rm -fr /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/graph_tool  
> /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/graph_tool
> This really leaves me scratching my head because I’ve expunged boost version 
> 1.57 from everywhere, downloaded/compiled/installed boost version 1.58 from 
> scratch, and configured graph-tool to use all the boost 1.58 directories.
> Here’s the setup:
> # boost build and install
> $ cd /usr/local/boost_1_58_0/
> $ sudo ln -s /usr/local/boost_1_58_0 /usr/local/boost
> $ ./bootstrap.sh
> $ ./b2
> $ sudo ./b2 install
> # graph-tool build and install
> $ cd ~/Downloads/graph-tool-2.2.43/
> $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/boost/stage/lib”
> $ ls -l /usr/local/boost
> lrwxrwxr-x. 1 root root 24 Jun 25 12:20 /usr/local/boost -> 
> /usr/local/boost_1_58_0/
> $ ./configure --with-sparsehash-prefix=google --with-boost=/usr/local/boost 
> --with-boost-libdir=/usr/local/boost/stage/lib CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/boost" 
> LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/boost/stage/lib"
> $ make
> $ sudo make install

The boost version is not hard coded into the configure script, so you
must be doing something wrong somewhere. Check which version is actually
linked to the graph-tool binaries with ldd, and also check the output of
configure.log, for more information of what library it is being used.


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <ti...@skewed.de>

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