On 13.08.2015 11:28, mh wrote:
> While this one (vertices corresponding to a 4x4x4 repeated 
> hexagonal-close-packed lattice) doesn't work, and the ratio of edges to 
> vertices is 5.625:
> g,pos = gt.geometric_graph(points_not_working, 1.00000001,
> [(0, 4.0), (0, 6.9282032302755088), (0, 6.5319726474218083)])

Well, can you pinpoint any of the missing edges? It would be much easier
to debug if the example contained only two points where a missing edge
should have been...

Also, please provide data in a way that is easy to load in a program, at
least with copy and paste. If you do print(array), it is not a good
idea, since one would need to parse it by hand. Instead do


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <ti...@skewed.de>

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