Looking back at this I'm not totally sure what I was thinking... I think I
saw the tiny filesize of the pickled State and assumed it was missing a
reference to the graph. Anyway, I got it now. Apologies for the utter

Thanks as always

On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 10:18 AM Tiago de Paula Peixoto <ti...@skewed.de>

> Am 19.03.20 um 18:38 schrieb Deklan Webster:
> > I'm saving NestedState with pickle and then loading it later to use
> > get_edges_prob.
> >
> >     nested_state = pickle.load(
> >
> open(f"output/graphtool_output/pickle/{name}_nested_blockstate.p",
> >              "rb"))
> >
> > I realized that NestedState needs a reference to the underlying graph
> > for get_edges_prob to work. So, I try this.
> >
> >     G = gt.load_graph(f'output/graphtool_output/{name}.graphml')
> >     nested_state.g = G
> I'm utterly puzzled by what you are trying to do.
> First, unpickling should just work, there is no need for you to "fix" it.
> Second, you should never ever try to modify an object like this, in
> graph-tool and otherwise, just by randomly changing an internal
> variable. In languages such as C++ this kind of meddling can be
> forbidden, but in Python is unfortunatelly always allowed. If you
> replace the graph inside a NestedBlockState, the object becomes
> inconsistent and corrupted. There is no need ever to try to do this, and
> it will never work.
> > Now, get_edges_prob is working if I use the base level of the state,
> > like so:
> >
> >     def collect_edge_probs(s):
> >         s = s.levels[0]
> >         for i, non_edge in enumerate(non_edges):
> >             p = s.get_edges_prob([non_edge], [],
> >                                  entropy_args=dict(partition_dl=False))
> >             non_edges_probs[i].append(p)
> >
> > If I remove this " s = s.levels[0]" I'm getting an error about "invalid
> > edge descriptor". Is there some other reference I need to recover for
> > this to work correctly?
> See above. In order for this to "work correctly" it must never be
> attempted to begin with.
> Best,
> Tiago
> --
> Tiago de Paula Peixoto <ti...@skewed.de>
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