Am 15.05.20 um 17:59 schrieb Hansen, Glenn J.:
> I have an edge property for weight. The weight for each edge is one
> integer between 1 and 4. The unweighted global clustering coefficient is
> about 0.45. The weighted global clustering coefficient is -0.61. Are
> negative values in the range?

Negative values should not be possible. Please provide a minimal and
self-contained example that shows the problem.

> Additionally, if I filter on edge weight and calculate the weighted
> clustering I get values > 1.0. If all weights are 3, for example, would
> we not expect the same coefficient for weighted and unweighted. The
> unweighted coefficient for the above example is reasonable.

As is explained in the documentation, the clustering values are
normalized only if the weights are all below 1.


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>

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