Am 28.05.20 um 01:48 schrieb timhannigan:
> Hi,
> I've been using graph-tool extensively over the past 6 months with
> hSBM_topic modeling (; from
> the Gerlach, Peixoto & Altmann, 2018 paper). I have one small question that
> may dramatically improve the usability of this. 
> The output showing the hierarchical community structure in the word-document
> network (chord diagram) is beautiful. However, is there any way to
> programmatically identify the blocks (blue squares), so that I can map these
> onto the word groups (topics) produced by the hSBM model?

Yes, take a look at the "get_hierarchy_tree()" function that returns you
the tree used in the layout. It returns a 'label' property map that maps
the vertex of that tree to the corresponding group label.


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>

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