Am 18.08.20 um 01:41 schrieb fitzgeraldj:
> 1) How do you access parameters inferred for independent models on separate
> layers, say for reproducing Figure 5(b) from the paper? Unless you're just
> masking the graph and only drawing edges applicable to each layer?

I don't understand the difference between these two things; they seem
the same to me.

But in short: the second option (masking) seems the most straightforward.

(The LayeredBlockState object keeps this information in a manner that is
most efficient for the inference algorithm, but not for visualization.)

> 2) I've seen you say several times that it's simple to incorporate binning
> of layers into the model, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do so
> - a brief example of how to do so would be hugely appreciated! (or some
> initial pointers if you're pressed for time)

I assume you mean automatic binning; unfortunately this is not yet
implemented in the library. It's in my TODO list, but you know how that


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>

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