Dear Davide,

Am 28.05.21 um 20:05 schrieb Davide Cittaro:
Hello, I need some hints about generating graphs using gt.generate_sbm. I had 
myself used it to generate a random graph given a predefined modular structure 
passing blocks and their connectivities.
I have now a more complicated problem: I'm inferring communities from a 
complete weighted graph and I want to generate random graphs using the inferred 
structure. Is it possible to generate the graph with edge weights modeled after 
the types used to define the original BlockState?

Direct sampling from the SBM with edge covariates is not yet implemented!

This is not very difficult to do "by hand", bit it would be a nice addition to the library.

Could you please open an issue in the website for this request, and I will try to include it for the next release.


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>
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