Hi all,

sorry for cross-posting, from grass-web ML...


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Wolf Bergenheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 10-gen-2008 23.33
Subject: [GRASS-web] GRASS website migration - content types


On Saturday I have scheduled time to make the
http://grass-dev.osgeo.org/ website ready for access to GRASS developers.

But before I do I ask you to help me compile a list of page types we
have in the current site, to get started here are the types of pages I
know of:

* News items (Releases and other small stuff)
* Events (can be shown on an event calendar)
* Screenshots (we can have galleries of screenshots, categorized like
they are now)
* Normal pages
* Features (lists of features GRASS have and each feature gets its own
page to describe it more, an example is here:
http://drupal.org/features) I know we don't really have such a page yet,
but it would be nice for users to have an easy access to the list of
features (it is long)
* Documentation. These could be made into what are called books in
Drupal (http://drupal.org/node/284). But the current ones are I believe
hosted off site, so they are basically, I guess link lists.

Anything else I might have missed?

Once this list is complete and before I open up grass-dev we need to
agree on a set of rules on how each page type should be converted.
The page urls can be kept the same, or we can change pages around (or do
that later). For now I think it might be easier to keep the urls as they
are, perhaps skipping any .php prefixes.

Another thing to agree on is the menus. What menus do we place where? Do
we want to have OSGeo menus like other OSGeo projects (on the right
side)? What about the existing 2-tier menu? Do we put the Top links also
on the top of the page (I vote yes). And I also recommend that we can
have a navigation menu on the left side which is the same as the current
(changing) left-side menu. If you want I can take care of all this, and
let you guys take care of the content.

Last I'd like to say don't worry about mistakes we can always change
stuff around. Let's have fun with this, if it feels like work, then
something is wrong ;)



<:3 )---- Wolf Bergenheim ----( 8:>

grass-web mailing list

Martin Landa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *
grass-dev mailing list

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