On Sat, 1 Mar 2008, Marco Pasetti wrote:

Hi Benjamin,

Why use ActiveTcl? The regular, GPL'd Tcl compiles without any problems and
can be distributed freely.

Good question! When I planned the work I dind't considered this option,
because on the wiki it was (it is) suggested to use ActiveTcl;

That was simply me being lazy and trying to avoid compiling stuff as much as possible...

Probably I should reconsider to build Tcl/Tk from source using MinGW, and
then rebuild GRASS...

Moritz, what do you think about?

Would also be interesting to know how
8.5 is working on Win.

AFAIK there are some problems for GRASS with 8.5, I read it in the list in
the last weeks.

It wasn't clear to me whether or not the problems were due to using a version of NVIZ compiled against Tcl/Tk 8.4 with a runtime 8.5. AFAIK this hasn't yet been clarified. I got it (8.5) working seemingly well about two months ago. It is really easy to compile Tcl/Tk on Msys actually - the build process seems well-tested and mature.

As a sidenote, I now have the machine I did my Windows tests on over Christmas accessible and up and running again, so I might be able to get this stuff together and contribute again. But maybe I don't need to, if Marco's stuff does the job.

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