Hi all,
unfortunaltely, at the moment, and for two ore three weeks more, I don't have 
enough time to build and test grass_trunk and also test and reports errors for 
WinGRASS installed in a path containing spaces (see WinGRASS-6.3.0RC5 Self 
Installer thread for details); I could build GRASS from _trunk and prepare a 
self-installer regularly once a week, but not test it.
this said, since I started to use WinGRASS for my thesis (finally! I never used 
it, actually; just used some basic features in QGIS GRASS toolbox) I'm willing 
to start a thread where I report current WinGRASS errors or minor bugs; I start 
with the following:
BUG001: in every output that doesn't start with an icon, the firt letter of the 
output (text) is placed in the upper line, instead to appear in *its* line
screeshot example follows:
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