
thanks for your feedback. Glad things are working
for you now. I have made notes of all the problems
you reported and put them on my "to do" list for
an r.cva update.

Rebecca Mayer wrote:
> By going through the r.cva options I finally figured
> out the key to doing 'sites' analysis without
> triggering a segfault: use the -i flag. This flag

OK, obviously another problem with the options parser
that needs fixing.

> The parameters spot, offseta, etc. when entered in the
> r.cva command work as global settings, but I still got
> a segfault unless -i was also used.

Same as above.

> One quick note on an inconsistency I noticed between
> the r.cva extension and its documentation: The help
> file says "The range is -90 to 0 for 'VERT1' and 0 to
> 90 for 'VERT2'" whereas the r.cva dialog window sets a
> range of 0 to 90 for VERT1 and -90 to 0 for VERT2.
> Don't know if this affects the calculations.

Not as long as you do not get confused and use the
right options. Needs to be fixed in either the documentation
or option parser to be consistent also with ArcGIS.




Benjamin Ducke
Senior Applications Support and Development Officer

Oxford Archaeological Unit Limited
Janus House
Osney Mead
Oxford, U.K.

Tel.: ++44 (0)1865 263 800

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