#125: quote around char attributes in ascii files may generate problems with
 Reporter:  ct529                                                             | 
      Owner:  grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org
     Type:  defect                                                            | 
     Status:  new                      
 Priority:  major                                                             | 
  Milestone:  6.3.0                    
Component:  default                                                           | 
    Version:  6.2.3                    
 Keywords:  quotes, inverted commas, v.in.ascii, text file, csv file, import  | 
 Supposed you have an ASCII file (comma separated), where the first column
 is a character column, and is automatically generated by either R,
 openoffice calc, kspread, MS W Escle, or any gis package using text
 export. The data in each cell will be surrounded by quotes (") aka
 inverted commas.

 If you try to load the file using the v.in.ascii command, it returns the
 error "ERROR: x column is not of number type" whatever the type of the x

 To fix the problem, you have to remove the quotes around the values in the
 first column. Quotes around values in other columns do not seem to be

 It should be fixed because all of the above packages correctly export
 character column with quotes around the values.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/125>
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