On Tue, 15 Apr 2008, Markus Neteler wrote:

(to continue on this thread)

After 6 release candidates, even tested on MS-Windows,
I don't see any real blockers any more. I suggest to get out
6.3.0 this week and proceed with change to 6.4.release_branch/7.0.svn.

Yes go for it I say; 6.3.0 is not a stable release and everything does not have to be perfect, but may I suggest that the new branch for continued 6.x development be called develbranch_6 and that a 6.4 release branch be created off there at a future date?

As some parts of GRASS will likely cease to exist in the 7.x HEAD I think it is likely that there will still be some opportunity for development and improvement of backward-compatible things in 6.x for some time to come. E.g. should I end up mentoring a Google Summer of Code student I will certainly recommend that he work in 6.x to avoid extra disruption caused by the 7.x upheaval - and changes can be forward-ported to 7.x later.

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