Marco Pasetti wrote:

> I'm afraid that I didn't have enough spare time to correctly follow this
> discussion, that actually I started.
> On the last days I have been *GRASS Off* since I bought a new machine
> and I needed to migrate (from XP to Vista... please, don't say nothing!
> I'm really upset!).
> Now I'm quite operative, but I think that, about this discussion, I
> actually missed the point :-(

> Is there something that I can do?
> creating a .gislock file in the current opened location could be a
> solution?
> what should I write in the .gislock file?
> *when* should I create it? from init.bat/.sh or from another shell file?

IIRC, if you just set GIS_LOCK (to anything) in init.bat, g.mapset
will work. On Windows, the etc/lock program always succeeds (after
printing a warning), so it's up to you to ensure that you don't run
multiple GRASS sessions concurrently in the same mapset.

Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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