On 08/07/08 22:49, Christian Ferreira wrote:
Hi Moritz,

Let's go...

What does g.proj -p show ?

 g.proj -p
name       : Latitude-Longitude
datum      : wgs84
towgs84    : 0.000,0.000,0.000
proj       : ll
ellps      : wgs84
unit       : degree
units      : degrees
meters     : 1.0

Are the shapefiles accompanied by .prj files ?

Yes. And they look like this:


And the g.proj output of a vector is:

 g.proj -p Tracklines2.shp
Trying to open with GDAL...ERROR 4: `Tracklines2.shp' not recognised
as a supported file format.

Trying to open with OGR......succeeded.
A datum name wgs84 (WGS_1984) was specified without transformation parameters.
Note that the GRASS default for wgs84 is towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000.
name       : Lat/Lon
proj       : ll
datum      : wgs84
a          : 6378137
es         : 0.006694379990141316
no_defs    : defined
unit       : degree
units      : degrees
meters     : 1.0

And after import this data with v.in.ogr, I see:

 At v.info I see:

 |   Projection: UTM (zone 0)                                                 |
 |            N: -9.053        S: -10.666                                     |
 |            E: -78.787       W: -80.817                                     |
 |            B: 0.000         T: 0.000                                       |

The weird part comes now...

1) My locations show this "Projection: UTM" for any vectors imported,
but the location is on Lat-Long.
2) This same location when opened at GRASS 6.3 (Windows) show the
projection correctly for these "rebel vectors"
3) GRASS 6.3 (Windows) also can import the shapefiles in the right
way, but if I take the location back to Linux, the is problem back.

Maybe I have a plataform issue. I tried this (importing data at my
GRASS 6.3 Linux):

1) import shapefiles created at QGIS;
2) (re)reproject my shapefiles with ogr2ogr;
3) created a location based in a shapefile (with prj file)

None worked.

Actually my vectors work fine (I tried display and some analysis), but
they are weird... because they have a Lat-Long extent, but show an UTM

I have to admit that I'm stumped here...
Forwarding to grass-dev for further advice.

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