William Kyngesburye wrote:

> >> I haven't run a compile yet - I didn't see any of the sources that
> >> include the tcltk headers get updated yet.
> >
> > The easiest way to find which sources need updating is to compile and
> > see where the errors occur.
> I took a stab at it.  There seems to be a problem - without -I flags  
> it's looking at the system Tk framework.  It's possible it's finding  
> the /usr/include symlinks to the system framework before trying the  
> framework search path magic.
> I see also that the tcltk headers aren't framework-friendly:  
> tkMacOSX.h, a public header, includes "tkInt.h", a private header, and  
> they are in completely different header folders.
> Looks like we need the tcltk header paths.

In that case, I think that we're better off ditching the OSX-specific
stuff in its entirety and going back to -I, -L and -l switches. No -F,
no -framework.

Either it's a framework or it isn't. From what you say, it isn't.

Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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