#123: r.in.xyz: import bug when using scanned extent
  Reporter:  neteler      |       Owner:  hamish     
      Type:  defect       |      Status:  assigned   
  Priority:  major        |   Milestone:  6.4.0      
 Component:  default      |     Version:  svn-trunk  
Resolution:               |    Keywords:             
  Platform:  Unspecified  |         Cpu:  Unspecified
Changes (by hamish):

  * platform:  => Unspecified
  * cpu:  => Unspecified


 I'll have a look at r.in.xyz to see if we can change the < to <= ''if we
 are on the last pass block'' without harming module speed much.

 If we do it for all passes there will be duplicated cells for points which
 fall exactly on pass block borders.


Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/123#comment:8>
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