#382: r.texture NULL or negative value ERROR (possible r.null problem)
 Reporter:  khufkens                                     |       Owner:  
     Type:  defect                                       |      Status:  new    
 Priority:  minor                                        |   Milestone:  6.3.1  
Component:  Raster                                       |     Version:  6.3.0  
 Keywords:  r.texture r.null ERROR null negative values  |    Platform:  Linux  
      Cpu:  Unspecified                                  |  
 Concerning r.texture in GRASS 6.3:

 Running r.texture on a map after r.null (should have) replaced all NULL
 values still produces an error indicating a persistent NULL or negative
 value in the map.

 r.category shows no NULL values or negative values but yet they are there
 for r.texture...

 Adding a fixed value to the map with the map calculator or running a
 running window analysis removes these hidden values and also removes the

 This traces back to either an error in r.texture or r.null, not sure...

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/382>
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