Michael Barton wrote:

> >> 1) How can we get the *.bat files to be generated for files in the
> >> $GISBASE/ext/gui/scripts folder?
> >
> > For the scripts in the scripts directory, this is done via the
> > following rule from Script.make:
> >
> > $(BIN)/$(PGM).bat: $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/scripts/windows_launch.bat
> >     sed -e "s#SCRIPT_NAME#$(PGM)#" 
> > $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/scripts/windows_launch.bat > $@
> >
> > For the gui/scripts, the above rule can be generalised to a pattern  
> > rule:
> >
> > $(GISBASE)/etc/gui/scripts/%.bat: 
> > $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/scripts/windows_launch.bat
> >     sed -e "s#SCRIPT_NAME#$*#" $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/scripts/windows_launch.bat 
> > > $@
> >
> > You then need to "make" the relevant .bat files with e.g.:
> >
> >     for file in *.* ; do $(MAKE) $(GISBASE)/etc/gui/scripts/$$file.bat ; 
> > done

> If someone who knows the build system well can make the changes Glynn  
> recommended to Script.make, we can test to see if that does the trick.  

The changes should be made in gui/scripts/Makefile, not Script.make.

> If not, I can change try to conditionalize the TclTk call for windows  
> to find v.type.sh.bat.
> (related question, is such a name permitted for Windows XP and Vista?)

AFAIK, there is no restriction on having dots within a filename. Only
the final extension (the part after the last dot) is significant to

Glynn Clements <gl...@gclements.plus.com>
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