I am a Masters student from International Institute of Information
Technology-Hyderabad India, looking to participate in google summer of code
under the OSGeo umbrella. More specifically, I want to work in the
parallelizing GRASS modules using openMP (MPI is also fine).

Slightly confused where to start poking in the code.
Any suggestions on possible modules that have a good scope of coarse grained
parallelization in it is welcome.

Please note: I am assuming that all the developers I have talked to earlier
are already in this mail. If I missed anybody, please do inform me.

Have been slightly busy yesterday, so didnt put up a full effort in going
through the code, forgive me for that.


The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress
depends on the unreasonable man.
   George Bernard Shaw
grass-dev mailing list

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