#536: memory corruption
  Reporter:  martinl  |       Owner:  grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org
      Type:  defect   |      Status:  reopened                 
  Priority:  blocker  |   Milestone:  7.0.0                    
 Component:  Vector   |     Version:  svn-trunk                
Resolution:           |    Keywords:                           
  Platform:  Linux    |         Cpu:  x86-32                   
Comment (by martinl):

 Replying to [comment:12 mmetz]:
 > Replying to [comment:11 martinl]:
 > > I was too quick - memory corrupted in v.info.
 > The earlier gdb didn't tell me a lot. Can you please run v.info with
 debug=2 or 3? At least I can work better with that. I'm willing to help,
 but I can't reproduce the problem and need more information.

 Here it is:

 D1/3: field = 1 name = (null), table = elev_ned10m_cont10m, key = cat,
 database = $GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/, driver = dbf
 D1/3: Dblinks read
  | Layer:           elev_ned10m_cont10m
  | Mapset:          PERMANENT
  | Location:        nc_spm_08
  | Database:        /home/martin/grassdata
  | Title:           South-West Wake 10m elevation contours from 10m NED
  | Map scale:       1:1
  | Map format:      native
  | Name of creator: helena
  | Organization:    NC OneMap
  | Source date:     Tue Nov  7 20:59:46 2006
  |   Type of Map:  vector (level: 2)
  |   Number of points:       0               Number of areas:      0
  |   Number of lines:        1008            Number of islands:    0
  |   Number of boundaries:   0               Number of faces:      0
  |   Number of centroids:    0               Number of kernels:    0
  |   Map is 3D:              Yes
  |   Number of dblinks:      1
 D2/3: G__read_Cell_head
 D2/3: G__read_Cell_head_array
 D3/3: region item: proj:       99
 D3/3: region item: zone:       0
 D3/3: region item: north:      228495
 D3/3: region item: south:      215005
 D3/3: region item: east:       644995
 D3/3: region item: west:       630005
 D3/3: region item: cols:       1499
 D3/3: region item: rows:       1349
 D3/3: region item: e-w resol:  10
 D3/3: region item: n-s resol:  10
 D3/3: region item: top:        150
 D3/3: region item: bottom:     60
 D3/3: region item: cols3:      1499
 D3/3: region item: rows3:      1349
 D3/3: region item: depths:     90
 D3/3: region item: e-w resol3: 10
 D3/3: region item: n-s resol3: 10
 D3/3: region item: t-b resol:  1
  |         Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic
  |               N:            228495    S:            215005
  |               E:            644995    W:            630005
  |               B:                60    T:               150
 D1/3: Vect_get_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
  |   Digitization threshold: 0
  |   Comments:
 Segmentation fault

 Debugging v.info in Emacs

  * In Vect_open_old_head() -> OK

 (gdb) p Map->head.line_3
 $1 = 0x823c700 ""

  * When I leave the function -> memory corrupted

 main (argc=2, argv=0xbfac2e54) at main.c:110
 (gdb) p Map->head.line_3
 $2 = 0x7b1ea71 <Address 0x7b1ea71 out of bounds>

 Strange, I have no idea where is problem :-(

 Thanks for your help.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/536#comment:13>
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