#520: r.terraflow/iostream does not respect STREAM_DIR option
  Reporter:  mmetz   |       Owner:  grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org
      Type:  defect  |      Status:  new                      
  Priority:  major   |   Milestone:  6.4.0                    
 Component:  Raster  |     Version:  svn-develbranch6         
Resolution:          |    Keywords:                           
  Platform:  All     |         Cpu:  All                      
Comment (by adanner):

 Replying to [comment:5 hamish]:
 > the bugfix part of it looks good:
 > {{{
 > -flowStream = new
 > +flowStream = new AMI_STREAM<waterWindowBaseType>(streamdir->answer);
 > }}}

 Hmm. /var/tmp/flowStream is a file but streamdir->answer is supposed to be
 a directory. "flowStream" should be appended to streamdir->answer. Can you
 use strcat or is there a G_? function for that?

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/520#comment:11>
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