Casey wrote:
> How easy would it be to implement an
> option in the instructions for colortables so that
> the user could decide if he/she wanted to use a discrete
> colortable vs. a continuous color table (see attached).

done in SVN. the new colortable 'discrete y|n' command will force a
categorical map to use a gradient legend, or a floating point map
to use a discrete category legend.

needed: a nice writeup on how to (or given number of breakpoints a
nice script to automatically) set up range-band labels for FP raster
maps that can be fed to r.category.

(anything in d.vect.thematic already?  qgis's graduated symbol equal
interval setup?)


ps [offtopic]- just if anyone knows, in qgis's graduated symbol or
continuous color setup how to set more than a 2-color transition for
vector maps? It's a pain to data-enter but I can calculate varying symbol
size per class pretty much in my head. A 4-color transition over 8
classes is much much harder to do manually. for raster maps they have
greyscale, freakout, and bcyr at least but more would be nice there too.


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