On Jun 16, 2009, at 11:06 PM, Markus GRASS wrote:

Michael Barton wrote:

On Jun 16, 2009, at 12:39 PM, Paul Kelly wrote:

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Michael Barton wrote:

In GRASS, displaying Layer 1 will show all objects for some vector
topologies, and only ID 1 and 2 for other topologies. However, by
values into cat for Layer 1, you can also display ID's 3 & 4 for
Layer 1. You
can achieve the same effect by querying cat = 1 for Layer 2. The
is that sometimes empty cats are displayed and sometimes they are
not. To me
this is kind of an automatic (inadvertent even) query. Some of this
is only
semantics, but I think we all agree that semantics can be important.

IMHO these are all side-effects of the inconsistent way layers are
amongst different GRASS modules. It's an implementation problem (perhaps caused by confusion among developers as options were added and modified
over the years), rather than a fundamental problem with the layer

The inconsistent implementation is an issue certainly. I don't think
that there is a problem with underlying concept of the layer feature.
Indeed, it is a very powerful data management feature of GRASS. I just think that another name for the feature would help users to understand
and make use of it better--especially since we also use the term
layers in the GUI layer manager to refer to superimposed displays of
distinct geospatial data files, a very common usage in GIS.
You may notice that you have to specify a vector layer for d.vect in the
GUI layer manager, i.e. the GUI layer manager displays a vector layer
unless layer=-1. I bet you yourself use most of the time d.vect layer=1
and not layer=-1.

I do. But that is because I prefer to use a linked attribute table to control what is displayed, what is not displayed, and what is used for labels--and usually only need to link a single table to do so. I prefer the linked table because the actual cat values that make up each layer table are more difficult to manage than an attribute table linked to the vector file via the cat values. There is no way that I know of to access and change these values directly--only through v.category or v.reclass. In both cases, these programs display the raster-like heritage of vector data management and layers, but we lack the equivalent of a d.rast.edit. This also makes layers as now structured difficult to use for differentially displaying sets of vector objects.

While I'm happy with the way vector layers work now, but think they should be called something different to avoid confusion with display layers and OGR layers, several commentators are expressing a preference for a function that does work like OGR layers to subset vector objects within a file for display or other manipulation. If we really want a structure that will subset a vector file into mutually- exclusive groups like CAD layers, we need to rework how GRASS vector layers actually work. In this sense, the database relationship should be 1 layer to many vector objects, rather than the current 1 vector object to many layers. Moreover, to make this truly useful, I suggest we also look at changing vector manipulation modules (v.distance, v.overlay, etc) so that selecting a layer works like a MASK in rasters by only carrying out the operation on the objects that are grouped into that layer. Other programs that use vector layers work in this way, allowing you to "lock" a layer so that objects in that layer are not altered during editing actions.


If we manage to come to a full understanding of the capabilities and
possibilities of the concept of vector layers in GRASS (which I feel
discussion is really helping us to work towards, for me anyway), then it would be an exciting project to do an audit of all vector modules and
way they handle layers, and tidy up all the inconsistencies so that the
meaning of layers is much more obvious, simply from the module
options and
flags. Perhaps too radical though.
Tidying up inconsistencies is not radical but regular maintenance work IMHO.


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