#670: add support for alternative coordinates
  Reporter:  timmie       |       Owner:  martinl                            
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  assigned                           
  Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:  6.5.0                              
 Component:  wxGUI        |     Version:  svn-develbranch6                   
Resolution:               |    Keywords:  map display, preferences, workspace
  Platform:  Linux        |         Cpu:  x86-32                             
Comment (by hamish):

 Replying to [comment:23 martinl]:
 > Can we close the ticket or are there any remaining issues?

 - does Michael's note about wx.StaticBox need attention?

 - Need to consider Tim's mockup of the statusbar with proj display

 - For my 2c re. the new Projection tab in wxGUI Preferences:

  1) needs reorganizing of buttons/entries into workflow order (eg step 1
 is load EPSG, so have that first, then...);

  2) I agree that the wording could do with some improvement/ clarification
 - verbose tooltips would help (everyone can help with that);

  3) "<>" still needs removing from the end of the auto +epsg string

  4) its presence seems to me to be a bit of a trap for new users who are
 refugees from other GIS which might think this is a ''much'' more
 fundamental Preference setting than it really is. To avoid 747-cockpit
 style option overload (e.g. tcltk GIS.m layer manager add_vector_layer
 controls) could this preference, including some entries in the drop down
 toolbar menu in the Map Display window, be hidden behind some sort of "[]
 Advanced" preferences setup?

 Also, FWIW, I don't really think precision is an issue needing a user-
 settable option. As long as we provide good defaults:
 - %.3f for planimetric (units= feet or m)
 - %.8f for decimal degrees
 - %.4f for decimal minutes
 - %.3f for decimal seconds

 i.e. reporting to approximately the millimeter level will cover 99% of
 user needs & beyond current RTK GPS surveying limits relevant to GIS.
 Others can tweak the setting manually (of course keep it easy to do that
 within the code). Non-GUI & library stuff of course would continue to
 operate at full precision, I'm just talking about the mouse-over & value
 shown to the user on the Map Display status bar.


Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/670#comment:24>
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