Markus wrote:
> Could the CMD line startup added again? I am not much inclined to
> set three variables manually

yes, please. consider GRASS_BATCH_FILE too.

> when the shell history remembers so nicely
> previous calls (CTRL-R <few chars> in bash!).

OT tip:
create a file ~/.inputrc and put this in it:

set prefer-visible-bell

# -------- Bind page up/down wih history search ---------
"\e[5~": history-search-backward
"\e[6~": history-search-forward

then you can type a few letters and use PgUp, PgDn instead of Bash's
less friendly ctrl-r way. Anyway for me it is much nicer to use and I
can't understand why user focused distros don't set that up by default.

OT tip2: more signal by not recording duplicates in .history file:
export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups


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