>>> The GRASS_BATCH_JOB environment variable seems to work fine
>>> in linux, but not in windows. He sets it and when he starts
>>> grass, on windows it opens the normal grass console and does
>>> nothing (that is, it does not run the batch job).
>>> Any way around this problem? It is for the integration of
>>> GRASS with another software, so ideally it should also
>>> become possible on Windows...
>> which GRASS installer?
> Have to ask...
>> the osgeo4w one uses its own grass.bat which bypasses init.sh (and thus
>> GRASS_BATCH_JOB logic) AFAIK. the stand-alone installer uses init.sh
>> AFAIR but it may have a few layers of .bat before it which complicates
>> things. (I am unable to test wingrass right now as well)
> mhh, ok. Anyone else with a suggestion?

I haven't used GRASS_BATCH_JOB myself but it should to be ok in the
"with Msys" startup option for the stand-alone installer. (The other
startup option follows the osgeo4w method). The osgeo4w version can be
modified fairly easily to work as well since it includes the necessary
grass## script and init.sh.
All you need to do is fix the GISBASE variable in
/osgeo4w/apps/grass/bin/grass##, start msys and run the grass startup

To get it working for natively in windows (without msys) would require
an addition to the init.bat file.

I haven't released a new stand-alone package for a while since no
changes to the windows parts seem to have been made recently. However,
I can put together an updated grass-6.4.0svn or brand new grass-7.0
installer (working on my machine) whenever there is a need.
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