Glynn Clements wrote:
> Could anyone clarify which of the following are valid
> arguments to GRASS_HTML_BROWSER?
> 1. A native filename, e.g.:
>     C:\GRASS\docs\html\index.html
> 2. A Unix-ish filename, e.g.:
>     C:/GRASS/docs/html/index.html

the above failed on ms windows, which split it into C :/ GRASS..
and didn't know the "C" rfc protocol, and then :/ as the first
part of :// etc.

changed to be:
> 3. A file: URL, e.g.:
>     file:///C:/GRASS/docs/html/index.html

from gis.m AFAIR.
> 4. A HTTP URL, e.g.:

I assume that would work, but I believe the goal is to have help
available on the local computer as the software could often
be used on a laptop for field work where no internet access is

> It would be much easier to set GRASS_HTML_BROWSER correctly
> if I knew how it's actually meant to be used.

I expect exact argument usage is dependent on the browser you

AFAIK g.manual is now fixed on WinGrass, we just wait for new
builds to confirm.


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