On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Moritz
Lennert<mlenn...@club.worldonline.be> wrote:
> On 02/08/09 04:38, Helena Mitasova wrote:
>> I very much agree with Markus on this -
>> Helena
>> On Jul 5, 2009, at 3:16 PM, Markus Neteler wrote:
>>> The absence of the too-good-to-lose d.mon/d.rast/d.vect/d.zoom/d.what.*
>>> keeps me away from using daily GRASS 7 :)
>>> cmd line control for the wx displays would be cool.
> Note that you can still use the d.* commands in combination with any image
> viewer (I've had good experience with gqview, for exemple, but any viewer
> which refreshes on file changes will do) or with Glynn's ximgview [1] which
> reacts much faster to changes then gqview, "but" for which you have to
> create bmp files. None of this allows d.* manipulation of the GUI Map
> Display, but it mirrors the x-mons. You can even have several such
> "monitors" by creating different file with export GRASS_PNGFILE and calling
> several instances of ximgview (or another viewer of your choice) to display
> the different files.

To be honest, that's still relatively far from the 6.x d.* tools.
Also zoom & query is part of my daily work :)

> It should not be too hard to create wrapper scripts which emulate some sort
> of d.mon behaviour, possibly storing the image files in a temporary, hidden
> directory to keep things transparent.

Best would be to control the wx monitor from CMD line (i.e., feed map
names via cmd line to it), the zoom/etc tools on top of the monitor
are just perfect. I just would like to avoid to go through the menus
to load a map since that's slower.

Perhaps we are almost there...?


> Moritz
> [1] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2008-October/040589.html
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