On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Markus Metz
<markus.metz.gisw...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Should v.info calculate bounding box and number of features for level 1?
> This can take some time because the whole coor file must be read, but I
> would find it useful to know the extends and number of points (, lines,
> boundaries, centroids) even for level 1. That helps setting the right region
> for the v.surf.* modules.

While I also think that this would be important info to obtain, another
option could be to modify v.univar to also work with x, y [,z]. Then the
user wouldn't be surprised that it takes time... (v.info is moreover just
reading a map header in "real" time).

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