I'm getting a lot of link errors in trunk now. It looks like it might be related to r38871 and r38893 where all the *DEP and *LIB variables were changed. It's a very long list, but errors are all similar to:

in cluster:

cc ... -lgrass_imagery -lgrass_gis

Undefined symbols:
  "_Rast_is_d_null_value", referenced from:
      _I_cluster_point_part in c_point.o
      _I_cluster_point in c_point.o

or in rowio:

cc ... [no link libs at all]

Undefined symbols:
  "_G_warning", referenced from:
      _Rowio_setup in setup.o
  "_G__malloc", referenced from:
      _Rowio_setup in setup.o
      _Rowio_setup in setup.o

or in g.proj:

gcc ... -lproj  -lgrass_gproj -lgrass_gis

Undefined symbols:
  "_OGR_L_GetExtent", referenced from:
      _input_georef in input.o
  "_OSRImportFromProj4", referenced from:
      _input_proj4 in input.o
  "_GDALGetRasterXSize", referenced from:
      _input_georef in input.o

and there are quite a few modules that are missing the PROJ lib in linking.

Something's not working right in the new transformation magic in grass.make.

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

"History is an illusion caused by the passage of time, and time is an illusion caused by the passage of history."

- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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