#785: wx location wizard: doesn't show all datum transform opts
  Reporter:  hamish    |       Owner:  grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org
      Type:  defect    |      Status:  new                      
  Priority:  critical  |   Milestone:  6.4.0                    
 Component:  wxGUI     |     Version:  svn-develbranch6         
Resolution:            |    Keywords:  location wizard          
  Platform:  Linux     |         Cpu:  x86-64                   
Comment (by cmbarton):

 Replying to [comment:26 hamish]:
 > just trying it out.. almost there.[[BR]]
 Thanks for testing so quickly.[[BR]]

 >  * for hardcoded "noask" values could the text boxes be greyed out?
 Yes. Easy
 (e.g. NZMG, Lat/Lon's +lat_0,+lon_0 [could that 0,0 for LL just be removed
 from proj-parms.table?])[[BR]]
 No. If it has the wrong number of fields to parse, it won't get parsed.

 >  * "datum :" does not get set in resulting PROJ_INFO file (#784) if
 selecting terms manually. This was fixed for a short time last week & then
 broke again a few days ago. (try running `g.region -p`) Creation using
 EPSG code works.[[BR]]
 This is a g.proj issue

 >  * Expand boolean from N/Y to No/Yes. e.g. UTM Southern Hemisphere
 question the default is "N" which can also be "North".[[BR]]
 I understand the point, but 'No' is also a common abbreviation for north
 in some English dialects. So I can make the change, but I'm not sure that
 this helps. IIRC, g.setproj uses y/n.
  Better yet: figure out how to have it be 'Hemisphere: North|South'[[BR]]
 Won't work because PROJ4 doesn't recognize it. I could do a bunch of hard
 coding of course, but the idea is to not have to change the interface if
 the underlying module and table contents change.

 >  * For UTM, could 1-60 pulldown list be a constrained value spinbox
 Why is a spinbox better than a pulldown where you can quickly get to the
 number? I could just make it an open text control, but the choicebox
 ensures that a legal value is chosen.[[BR]]

 >  * Could datum transform list selection popup be integrated into the
 wizard [<Back] [Fwd>] pages, or at least be given the same window height x
 width? It seems a bit out of place. [[BR]]
 No. The most reliable way to get this is have g.proj datumtrans=-1 spit it
 out. [[BR]]

 It comes out as a list of 3-4 lines per transform. I could wrap them all
 together (i.e., into a paragraph that wraps), but they seem easier to read
 in the vertical format. If most people like the paragraph format, it is
 easy enough to do.[[BR]]

 Style wise, it matches similar kinds of list controls in the wizard.
 Better yet: could it have a radio button list like the Tcl/Tk version (try
 EPSG:27200). [[BR]]
 Why radiobuttons over the select the list item? This adds even more
 whitespace to the left of the list item. I'm trying to keep it as compact
 as possible while still readable. There is quite a bit of text in some of
 the transform descriptions.[[BR]]
 Also same as the Tcl version it should have a "continue without" option as
 Good point, we need a default "0" transformation. Easy enough to do.[[BR]]

 >  * on the "Specify geodetic datum" page, could the Description column be
 made a bit wider by default? it's the long string and ellipsoid is the
 short one.[[BR]]
 The only way is to make it 3rd in the list. Not hard to do, but will
 require rewiring things that look for it in 2nd place.

 >  * "Choose EPSG code" search is still a bit weird (need to reload to
 start a new search)[[BR]]
 I think I can make it work like the other searches now so that it
 automatically looks in all fields with a single control.

 > thanks,
 > Hamish[[BR]]
 Glad it's getting closer.[[BR]]

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/785#comment:27>
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