António Rocha wrote:

> Hi Glynn
> I think you do magic because I've tried a couple of times without 
> success and, right after I received your email I suceed compiling 
> dllmain.c. :)
> About OBJDIR, At GRASS.make it's defined as you said:
> OBJDIR        = OBJ.$(ARCH)
> So no problem with this
> Now, with compiling
> I'm getting the following error (see below). it has something to do with 
> drand48. drand48 is a function mentioned in line 42 of bootstrap.c of 
> PRLIB folder.
> Does this function ring a bell? I have searched and there is no file 
> with that name in GRASS6 folder neither sourcecode or snapshot.

drand48() is a standard function on most Unix systems, but Windows
doesn't have it. If you look in include/config.h, you'll see:

        /* define if drand48() exists */
        /* #undef HAVE_DRAND48 */

It's easy enough to simulate it; the following is adapted from

        #if !defined(HAVE_DRAND48)
        #define drand48() ((double)rand()/((double)RAND_MAX + 1))

The above should either be added to the top of (if
that is the only file which needs it), or added to (if several files need it).

OTOH, if the algorithm requires a high level of randomness, it might
need something better; Windows' rand() function only returns 15 bits
of data, which may not be enough.

A more accurate solution is:

        #if !defined (HAVE_DRAND48)
        #if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT)
        static unsigned long long state;
        /* see:
        static unsigned long long next(void) {
                state = (0x5DEECE66DULL * state + 0xB) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
                return state;
        double drand48(void) {
                return (double) next() / 0x1000000000000ULL;
        /* no drand48(), no "long long" type, don't know whether "long"
         * is 64-bit and can't be bothered implementing multi-word
         * arithmetic, so we'll have to live with this crude approximation
        #define drand48() ((double)rand()/((double)RAND_MAX + 1))

Glynn Clements <>
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