#765: g.gui fails to launch wxpython IU
  Reporter:  marisn  |       Owner:  grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org
      Type:  defect  |      Status:  reopened                 
  Priority:  major   |   Milestone:  6.4.0                    
 Component:  wxGUI   |     Version:  6.4.0 RCs                
Resolution:          |    Keywords:                           
  Platform:  Linux   |         Cpu:  x86-64                   
Comment (by yarma):

 Same bug in the same conditions on my computer: on my Gentoo box, the
 wxpython gui is working very fine if i start grass with gui, but nothing
 appends when i try to launch it ussing g.gui ...

 my gentoo system is uptodate and i just fetch and build the last svn
 grass-6.5 release ...

 GRASS 6.5.svn :~ > g.gui gui=wxpython
 D1/5: Attempting to start 'wxpython' GUI ...

 GRASS 6.5.svn (Mac):~ > echo $?

 GRASS 6.5.svn :~ > env | grep -i python

 GRASS 6.5.svn :~ > python --version
 Python 2.6.4

 SuperTux yarma # equery list wx
 [ Searching for package 'wx' in all categories among: ]
  * installed packages
 [I--] [ ~] app-admin/eselect-wxwidgets-1.1 (0)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/wxpython- (2.8)
 [I--] [ ~] x11-libs/wxGTK- (2.8)

 SuperTux yarma # equery list python
 [ Searching for package 'python' in all categories among: ]
  * installed packages
 [I--] [ ~] app-admin/eselect-python-20090824 (0)
 [I--] [  ] app-admin/python-updater-0.7 (0)
 [I--] [  ] dev-lang/python-2.6.4 (2.6)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/bug-buddy-python-2.26.0 (0)
 [I--] [M~] dev-python/compizconfig-python-0.8.2 (0)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/dbus-python-0.83.0-r1 (0)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/gconf-python-2.26.1 (2)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/gnome-applets-python-2.26.0 (0)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/gnome-desktop-python-2.26.0 (0)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/gnome-keyring-python-2.26.0 (0)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/gnome-python-2.26.1 (2)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/gnome-python-base-2.26.1 (2)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/gnome-python-desktop-base-2.26.0 (0)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/gnome-vfs-python-2.26.1 (2)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/gst-python-0.10.16 (0.10)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/libbonobo-python-2.26.1 (2)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/libgnome-python-2.26.1 (2)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/libgnomecanvas-python-2.26.1 (2)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/libgnomeprint-python-2.26.0 (0)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/libwnck-python-2.26.0 (0)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/python-ldap-2.3.9 (0)
 [I--] [  ] dev-python/wxpython- (2.8)


Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/765#comment:3>
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