#858: Display command from the Output window not working
  Reporter:  clerici  |       Owner:  grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org
      Type:  defect   |      Status:  closed                   
  Priority:  normal   |   Milestone:  6.4.0                    
 Component:  Tcl      |     Version:  unspecified              
Resolution:  wontfix  |    Keywords:                           
  Platform:  Linux    |         Cpu:  Unspecified              
Comment (by hamish):

 Replying to [comment:2 clerici]:
 > Which is the new gis.m GUI?

 typing "gis.m" at the GRASS> prompt will explain it better than me. :) but
 I'll try.

 > The one currently opened in GRASS6.5 (and 6.4) or a new one?

 well the one that opens with grass 6.4 or 6.5 is the one you've
 set to be the default GUI. There are three to choose from. Look in
 ~/.grassrc6. (GRASS 7 only has the one wxPython one)

 gis.m has been around 2 years or so. It took over from d.m (still
 available in 6.x btw), which took over from GRASS 5's tcltkgrass GUI. The
 wxPython GUI first shipped as an optional extra with 6.3.0 but is only now
 reaching real maturity.

 see the user interface section of the screenshots page on the main
 grass website for some pics.

 > If, as I suppose, is the currently opened one,

 (I've got no idea at what you are looking at)

 > what's for the lower part of the window? Just for input of the
 > commands others than d.* ?

 yes. The OSGeo4W native MS Windows build doesn't launch a terminal
 box by default. IIRC Lorenzo's Mac build gave you the choice not
 to have one either. As most of the books, tutorials, and help examples
 rely on command line entry there needs to be a way for folks without a
 command line (or who are frightened by it) to enter commands.

 > And what's for the Run(background) button?

 The regular Run button waits for the program to finish before it gives you
 back control. For example if you Run "d.mon x0" the button will be greyed
 out until you close the monitor window. Where as run in background will
 break it away from the GUI and it will be free to run on its own.

 > As there are many others more convenient ways of command line
 > input, shouldn't it better to entirely delete the lower part of
 > the window and related buttons?

 there are better and more convinient ways of doing lots of things in this
 world /if you already know how/. Some people prefer working entirely in a
 GUI, others spend most of their time in `screen` or emacs or Facebook.
 shrug. One size does not fit all so it's just more choices to suit more


Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/858#comment:3>
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