Because of r40217, Rast_close() and Rast_unopen() can no longer be called unconditionally. That gives me errors when a MASK is present:
ERROR: Invalid descriptor: 0

The following patch to lib/raster works for me but I'm not sure if this is the right way

Index: init.c
--- init.c    (revision 40418)
+++ init.c    (working copy)
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@

    /* Set masking flag unknown */
    R__.auto_mask = -1;
+    R__.mask_fd = -1;

    R__.nbytes = sizeof(CELL);
    R__.compression_type = getenv("GRASS_INT_ZLIB") ? 2 : 1;
Index: auto_mask.c
--- auto_mask.c    (revision 40418)
+++ auto_mask.c    (working copy)
@@ -61,7 +61,9 @@
    return 0;

-    Rast_unopen(R__.mask_fd);
+    if (R__.mask_fd >= 0)
+    Rast_unopen(R__.mask_fd);
+ R__.mask_fd = Rast__open_old("MASK", G_mapset());
    if (R__.mask_fd < 0) {
    R__.auto_mask = 0;

Alternatively, just return if a raster map can't be unopened/closed?

Markus M
grass-dev mailing list

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