Hi Mohammed,

i like it !!!

maybe is OT here .. but i've some ideas to share with you :

i'm working to code an "interaction" between ossimplanet and grass.
i already did a gui interface for it, but i used pyqt .. and this  is not good 
to have a full integration in grass.
see : 


- actually i'm finish to work on the gdal-ossim plug-in to have better support 
for ogr-grass vector rendering inside ossimplanet (raster support is already ok)
for now grass vector are rendered in ossimplanet with a fixed color , line 
width and point size (while polygons are not filled) 
the changes on the code will give the ability to set custom settings for each 
The final target are simple grass-python scripts to add-remove from grass to 
ossimplanet both raster & vectort layers

the comand line syntax to use the scripts is like :

r.planet.py -a map=geology (add a map)
r.planet.py -r map=geology (remove a map)

similar syntax for vector layers. 

(options are the tcp port number and tcp host address, if not assigned default 
values are used)

i'd like the idea to run this scripts in a simple and fast way directly from 
like add an action "send to ossimplanet" using : dx-click on a layer name in 
the legend -> open a contextual menu -> run the action

obviously this means to change a bit the scripts reading host and port number 
from a "preference file" (we can generate it from the main grass-config-options 

any comments about the proposed idea are really welcome.


Il giorno 22/gen/2010, alle ore 16.13, Mohammed Rashad ha scritto:

> Hi,
> I am planning to develop a DataCatalog or GRASS GIS Manager. Design of the 
> gui module is almost finished.
> please view the screens and give me a feedback to continue coding the module 
> in wxpython.
> I will start coding after getting response from GRASS community otherwise it 
> will be wastage of time.
> So please send your valuable comments on the link specified below
> http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/WxPython-based_GUI_for_GRASS#Data_Catalog
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